For employees
Virginia Tech’s faculty and staff play a vital role in our efforts to provide a safe environment free from harassment and violence of any kind.
Reporting obligation
University Policy No. 1026 does specify that any “responsible employee” who receives a report of behavior that might be construed as sexual harassment or violence, or sex or gender-based violence must report the behavior to Virginia Tech’s Title IX Coordinator. “Responsible employees” are those who serve as administrators, supervisors, academic advisors; give instruction; or have responsibilities for on-campus student activities, or student or employee discipline.
Providing support
In addition to an employee’s obligation to report these behaviors, they may also serve as a resource or support students or fellow employees who have experienced sexual harassment or violence. This guide from Hokie Wellness may help you recognize and help a student in distress.
This site has information and resources on the following pages that you can use or refer a student to:
For employees who need help
Employees who have suffered sexual harassment, gender discrimination, or sex or gender-based violence, can file a formal complaint with the Office for Civil Rights Compliance and Prevention Education.
Help and support is available regardless of whether a formal complaint is filed. Employees may get help through both university and community resources. In addition, employees may contact any of the following for help and support:
- Hokie Wellness for employees
- Human Resources Service Center
- Office for Civil Rights Compliance and Prevention Education (CRCPE)
- Employee Assistance Program (For employees who are covered by the university’s medical plans)