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If you have been assaulted in the last 72 hours

There is no right way to feel or single correct thing to do after an assault. Every person’s and every survivor’s needs are different and valid. Below are suggestions that might be helpful in deciding what next steps are best for you. No matter what you decide, your immediate safety and well-being are most important.

Virginia Tech encourages anyone who experiences abuse or assault to report it and get the support they need.


You are not alone

Talking to a confidential resource can help. Confidential resources cannot share identifying information about you without your consent. They can support and advise you as you make decisions.

  • If you are thinking about reporting to the police or to the university, The CARES Program for Survivors of Violence and The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley have advocates that will go with you when you make the report. Both organizations provide services to people no matter their sex, gender, or gender identity or expression.
  • There are also private resources on campus that can help. Private resources may be required to share some information with the university's Title IX Coordinator but can otherwise provide help and support while respecting your privacy. A list of on and off campus confidential and private resources is available here.

You have the right to report

You have the right to report what happened to the police and to the university. Your report will be taken seriously.

Virginia Tech Police (on campus)

Emergency – 911
Non-Emergency – 540-382-4343

Blacksburg Police Department (off campus)

Emergency – 911
Non-emergency – 540-961-1150

Virginia Tech Interim Title IX Coordinator

Harrison Blythe

Virginia Tech Student Conduct


While the information on this page is focused on the 72 hours following an assault, it is important to note that you may choose to report or seek help later. You have the right to report to the university and to the police when you feel ready. There is no time limit to when you can file a report – you can make a report at any time, even if weeks, months, or more have passed since the assault.

Learn how the process works when you file a report with the university, including how to file a complaint and how complaints are addressed.

Your health and well-being are important

Seeking medical care is important, even if you do not think you have any injuries. Carilion New River Valley Medical Center, located at 2900 Lamb Circle, Christiansburg, VA 24073, offers emergency medical care and forensic Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) exams. They can:

  • Contact The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley and an emergency advocate will meet you at the hospital to provide support and information. These services are free.
  • Ensure there are no internal injuries and offer preventative care against sexually transmitted infection (STI) and pregnancy, including emergency contraception.
  • You can get a PERK exam even if you do not make a police report. You can choose for your PERK exam to be anonymous, meaning that your name will not be shared with the police. You will not be responsible for the cost of the exam.

Schiffert Health Center and the Lewis Gale Hospital Montgomery cannot do PERK exams but both can provide medical exams, STI and pregnancy testing, and emergency contraception.

Keep yourself safe

If you are not safe because of sexual assault, stalking, or intimate partner violence, there is help. You may want to consider the following options:

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
  • The Women’s Center at Virginia Tech and the Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley can provide support and safety planning.
  • You may choose to file a report with the police.
  • No Contact and Protection Orders may help.
    • The university can issue a No Contact Order that prevents in-person, phone, and electronic communication,between two people. For more information or to request a No Contact Order, you can contact the university’s Title IX Coordinator, Katie Polidoro, at or (540) 231-1824.
    • A Protection Order may be available through the Virginia Court system. Protection orders are available if your safety is threatened after experiencing an act of violence of threat of physical injury, including sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. The CARES Program for Survivors of Violence can provide information, support, and go with you to seek a protection order.

There is support when you need it

Whether or not you choose to report what happened, support measures from the university are available to you. These might include academic help, housing changes, changes to your class or work schedule, and more. Learn more about ways the university can help.